Please see below some questions I am frequently asked and my responses:

Infant Sleep Training can mean many different things. It is mainly the act of speaking to a specialist about an infant’s sleep and them creating a personalised sleep plan for you to work with. This plan can include suggestions on when they nap and how long for, different methods on settling to sleep etc.

If done correctly, it is safe.

Due to most support taking place over video call, I can cover everywhere. However, I am based in the West Midlands so if someone wants face to face support, I am happy to travel and meet.

Co-Sleeping can be safe as long as all the necessary adjustments have been made. Please see my Safe Sleep Page for more information.

Newborns are generally too young to self-settle. If you put your newborn in their bed and they go to sleep without any help then that is fine. However, if you are expecting to use a self settle method on them (e.g. leaving them to cry for a few minutes to see if they sleep), then this is incorrect. Babies should always feel safe and secure so some do need more interaction and cuddling than others. During the newborn stage you can put multiple things in place to help with your baby's sleep in the long run, however, they should never be left or be expected to fall asleep on their own if they cannot.

There are many different methods I use depending on the age of the infant and the family's needs/preferences. It is up to the family which method they choose.

One of the methods I suggest (after 6 months old) is called Frequent Checks. This can sometimes be called the Controlled Crying method as well. This is very different to the cry it out method which lets babies cry until they fall asleep. Frequent checks involves leaving the infant to attempt to fall asleep on their own, then having time intervals where you go in and soothe them if they are crying. No baby should ever be left to get extremely upset and if any time during this method the parent/caregiver feels they need to go in and comfort, they should. Crying is expected during some of the methods as it is an infants way of communication before they can talk. Making sure all their needs are met should hopefully prevent this from happening.